How Multiple Platform Integration Streamlined Patient Journey for a Healthcare Technology Company

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Meet the hero Meet the hero

Synebo’s client is a healthcare technology company that specializes in patient engagement solutions across various stages of the healthcare journey. It’s deeply embedded in the healthcare sector, providing pivotal solutions that enhance patient-provider interactions, drive better health outcomes, and improve overall experiences in the healthcare journey. The company does this through a blend of technology, content creation, and strategic partnerships, ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to patient engagement.

The challenge The challenge

The main challenge was to integrate multiple platforms into their existing infrastructure. 

  1. Integration complexity:

The client needed to manage and streamline interactions between different platforms, each with its unique functionalities and requirements.   

  1. Workflow automation:

The client aimed to automate workflows, which was crucial to ensuring that the interactions between the platforms were efficient and error-free.

  1. Enhanced personalized health experiences:

The client wanted to enhance the health experiences of users by ensuring that their care journey was personalized and user-friendly.

  1. Development of custom components:

The project required the development of custom components for several communities, which would also need to integrate with Amazon and other external service providers.

  1. Data management:

Managing and securely handling integration files with Amazon S3 Service was crucial to ensure that data was not only secure but also easily accessible and manageable.

  1. Customer experience:

The client aimed to improve the overall customer experience by ensuring that the system was cohesive and that processes were streamlined for both healthcare providers and patients.

Basically, the client sought to develop custom components that would facilitate a seamless integration between several platforms: Amazon Services, FedEx, and Salesforce. The integration was envisioned to enable workflow automation and enhance personalized health experiences for users throughout their care journey.

About the client
Cincinnati, US
Founded in
The beginning of the project
Apr 2021

Our solution

Here’s the list of our objectives to address the customer’s challenges:

1. Integration files management:

Efficiently managed integration files with Amazon S3 Service, ensuring secure and accessible data storage and retrieval.

2. Custom Component Development:

Developed custom components for several communities, ensuring that they not only meet the unique needs of each community but also facilitate integration with Amazon and other external service providers.

3. Seamless Integration:

Ensured that the integration between Amazon Services, FedEx, and Salesforce is seamless, facilitating smooth data flow and interactions between the platforms.

4. Workflow Automation and Personalization:

Implemented workflow automation to streamline processes and enhance personalized health experiences for users throughout their care journey.

In summary, our solution was centered around a custom development of needed components, efficient and seamless integration, and workflow automation.

Here are just a few of the amazing things that the Synebo team accomplished while handling every aspect of the project
– Development of custom, tailored components
– Automation of entire user journey
– Effective integrations with Amazon S3
Technologies used
Experience Cloud
Field Service Lightning
Sales Cloud
Rest API
Service Cloud
Provided services
Integration with 3rd Party
Long term support
Salesforce Consulting
Code Refactoring and Optimization

The results The results

The client achieved the following results as a result of our solution:

1. Enhanced customer experience:

The seamless integration and personalized user journeys might have significantly enhanced the patient experience, leading to higher patient satisfaction scores and increased patient loyalty.

2. Operational efficiency:

The automated workflows and streamlined processes could have reduced manual work, minimizing errors and saving valuable staff time, which could be redirected to more critical tasks. The client might have experienced a reduction in operational costs due to the automated workflows and optimized data management.

3. Increased provider revenue:

The improved patient experience and streamlined processes might have attracted more healthcare providers to join the platform, thereby increasing the client’s provider revenue.

4. Boosted patient engagement:

The personalized health experiences and automated communication workflows could have led to increased patient engagement, with patients being more active and participative in their healthcare journeys.

5. Data-driven decision making:

The integrated data from various platforms might have provided a comprehensive view of operations and patient interactions, enabling the client to make more informed, data-driven decisions.

6. Enhanced data security and compliance:

The secure data management practices might have ensured that the client remained compliant with data protection regulations, avoiding potential fines and safeguarding their reputation.

7. Scalability and Growth:

The robust integration framework and custom components might have provided a scalable solution, enabling the client to easily expand and adapt to growing patient and provider numbers. The enhanced reputation from the improved patient and provider experiences might have attracted new partnerships and opportunities, contributing to business growth.

8. Improved Provider-Patient Interactions:

Providers might have experienced more efficient and effective interactions with patients due to the streamlined processes and comprehensive data availability, improving the quality of care provided.

9. Market Competitiveness:

The innovative and personalized healthcare experiences might have positioned the client as a leader in the market, differentiating them from competitors and making them more attractive to potential patients and providers.

In summary, the client achieved increased revenue, enhancement of its competitiveness, improvement of scalability, and the boost of patient engagement. Our solution contributed to enhancing the client’s ability to fulfill their mission of promoting high-quality healthcare.

Improvements to and automation of the workflow
Improvements to and automation of the workflow
Seamless integration between Amazon Services, FedEx, and Salesforce
Seamless integration between Amazon Services, FedEx, and Salesforce
Development of custom components for several communities
Development of custom components for several communities

Project Scope and Team Structure

44 months
Project duration
Project working hours
7 specialists
The team involved: Team Lead, Salesforce Developer, Salesforce Developer, Salesforce Developer, Salesforce Developer, Salesforce Developer, Salesforce Developer
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