
Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Complete 2024 Guide

Salesforce development
11 min
Salesforce Marketing Cloud

In today’s digitally driven marketplace, engaging effectively with customers is more crucial than ever. One of the products to consider exploiting to your advantage is Salesforce Marketing Cloud, which stands out as a cutting-edge solution for personalizing customer experiences across various channels through analytics, mailing, promotion, and other tools.

Statistics from the official sources evidences that Salesforce Marketing Cloud boosts marketing ROI by an average of 28% after implementation.

In this post, we’ll deepen the understanding of Salesforce marketing cloud capabilities, learn the value it can offer, review the challenges it addresses, and find out how to implement it in your digital environment.

What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

Salesforce Marketing Cloud_ (1)

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a comprehensive digital marketing platform designed to help businesses manage marketing campaigns and both B2B and B2C customer interactions.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a part of Salesforce suite of products, which are widely recognized for their capabilities in customer relationship management (CRM) and cloud computing. 

Here is a list of businesses that can be recommended to consider using Salesforce Marketing Cloud in the first place:

  • B2C businesses: Examples are fashion studios, restaurants, and entertainment companies. Salesforce Marketing Cloud solution helps them solve the problem of low customer engagement and repeat business, enabling these businesses to better connect with their audience and boost sales.
  • B2B businesses: Such companies are IT service providers, manufacturing companies, and professional service firms. For them, Salesforce Marketing Cloud addresses the challenge of converting leads into long-term business clients and maintaining ongoing client relationships.
  • E-commerce platforms: For providers like online retailers, digital marketplaces, and subscription-based services, Salesforce Marketing Cloud solves the problem of low conversion rates, high cart abandonment, and inadequate customer retention.
  • Nonprofit organizations: Examples are organizations like Charitable foundations, educational institutions, and advocacy groups. Here Salesforce for marketers assists in solving the challenges of donor retention, effective fundraising, and community engagement.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is used to automate and streamline marketing processes, personalize customer interactions, and provide a unified view of the customer across various channels. Its flexibility makes it suitable for both large and small companies, across different sectors, including B2B, B2C, and nonprofit organizations.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Features: What Can You Do?


Salesforce marketing cloud components

From the above Salesforce Marketing Cloud overview, it’s evident that the environment is vast. Let’s delve deeper into some of its components, which are Studios — tools enabling the use of different marketing functionalities:

Email Studio

Email Studio is Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s powerful email marketing solution. It enables businesses to connect with customers through personalized, data-driven email campaigns. Email Studio provides the following distinct features:

  • Segmentation and targeting: Create targeted customer segments based on demographics, behavior, and purchase history.
  • Dynamic content: Personalize emails with content that changes based on the recipient’s profile and interactions.
  • Automated campaigns: Set up triggered emails based on customer actions or time intervals.
  • A/B testing: Test different email versions to determine the most effective content, subject lines, and sending times.
  • Comprehensive analytics: Track email campaign performance with detailed analytics and reporting.

Mobile Studio

Mobile Studio offers tools for engaging with customers directly on their mobile devices. It is a key component for mobile marketing within Salesforce Marketing Cloud, offering features like:

  • SMS and MMS messaging: Send text messages and multimedia messages globally.
  • Push notifications: Deliver notifications to users’ mobile devices to drive app engagement.
  • Mobile journey integration: Integrate mobile messaging into customer journey maps for a seamless experience.
  • Geolocation targeting: Use location-based targeting for timely and relevant mobile messaging.

Social Studio

Social Studio allows for comprehensive social media management and engagement. As part of Salesforce Marketing Cloud, it offers features including:

  • Social media publishing: Schedule and publish content across multiple social media platforms.
  • Social listening: Monitor brand mentions, industry trends, and customer feedback across social networks.
  • Engagement tools: Respond to and engage with customers on social platforms directly from the studio.
  • Collaborative workspaces: Enable teams to collaborate on social content and strategies.

Advertising Studio 

Advertising Studio in Salesforce Marketing Cloud focuses on targeted advertising campaigns. Key features include:

  • Customer data integration: Use Salesforce data to target and retarget customers across digital advertising platforms.
  • Cross-channel advertising: Coordinate advertising across email, social, mobile, and web.
  • ROI tracking: Measure the return on investment of advertising campaigns with detailed analytics.
  • Lookalike audiences: Create audiences similar to your best customers for effective targeting.

Web Studio

Web Studio enhances web marketing efforts with features for personalized, dynamic content creation. Within marketing in Salesforce, it offers:

  • Personalized web content: Tailor web content based on customer data and behaviors.
  • Content management: Easily create and manage web content without needing technical expertise.
  • Integration with other studios: Seamlessly integrate web experiences with email, mobile, and social campaigns.
  • Real-time interaction management: Engage customers in real-time based on their web interactions.

You may also be interested in reviewing 15 types of Salesforce Clouds from another our blog post. 

9 Benefits Of Salesforce Marketing Cloud

As a business owner, C-level executive, or another specialist involved in strategic decision-making, you need to figure out the value of a suggested technology clearly. Let’s find out what exactly Salesforce Marketing Cloud implementation has to offer:

#1 Understand Your Customer Better 

Salesforce Marketing Cloud allows businesses to gather and analyze customer data comprehensively. Having a deep insight here leads to more effective marketing strategies. For example, a retail company can track customer purchase history and preferences to tailor their marketing campaigns.

#2 Personalize With AI

The integration of AI, specifically Einstein AI, in Salesforce Marketing Cloud enables hyper-personalized customer experiences. It can predict customer behaviors and preferences, allowing for more targeted marketing efforts.

#3 Effective and Impactful Analysis

With its robust analytics capabilities, Salesforce Marketing Cloud provides businesses with insights that drive impactful marketing decisions. This includes:

  • Tracking campaign performance
  • Tracking customer engagement metrics
  • Predictive analytics
  • Customer journey analysis
  • Web analytics
  • Cross-channel analysis

#4 Targeted Customer Journey

The platform allows for the creation of targeted customer journey maps, ensuring that each interaction is relevant and timely, thus enhancing customer engagement throughout their lifecycle.

#5 Security 

Marketing Cloud in Salesforce prioritizes data security, ensuring that customer information is protected, which is crucial in maintaining trust and complying with regulations. HIPAA and GDPR are some of the federal-level regulations, while there are local rules applied to particular businesses or segments of target users. 

#6 Innovation 

Constant updates and innovations in Salesforce Marketing Cloud ensure that businesses stay ahead with the latest marketing technology and trends, keeping their strategies fresh and effective.

#7 Linked Ecosystem 

Salesforce Marketing Cloud capabilities, when integrated with Salesforce CRM, create a seamless ecosystem. This integration facilitates efficient data flow and marketing processes across different business areas, enhancing overall efficiency and alignment.

#8 Boost Sales

By leveraging personalized and timely marketing messages, Salesforce Marketing Cloud significantly impacts sales growth. It optimizes the conversion of prospects into customers, enhancing the effectiveness of sales strategies.

#9 Have All Your Marketing Data On One Platform

Salesforce Marketing Cloud consolidates all marketing data onto a single platform. This centralization simplifies analysis and strategy development, ensuring marketing efforts are more coherent and strategically aligned.

Looking for a trusted Salesforce consulting partner? Reach out to Synebo and let’s discuss opportunities!

Key Business Challenges That Salesforce Marketing Cloud Can Solve

Salesforce Marketing Cloud was designed as a solution to particular business problems and needs. Here are some challenges that this technology can help you address:

Low Email Deliverability

Difficulty in ensuring emails reach the recipient’s inbox, often landing in spam or not being delivered at all.

How to solve it: Utilize Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s tools for optimizing email content, maintaining a strong sender reputation, and segmenting audiences effectively to enhance deliverability.

Lack of Personalization

Struggling to deliver relevant and personalized content to each customer, leading to less effective marketing.

How to solve it: Implement Einstein AI for dynamic content creation and data-driven personalization, tailoring communications based on individual customer behaviors and preferences.

Campaign Management Difficulties

Managing and coordinating marketing campaigns across multiple channels can be complex and time-consuming.

How to solve: Use Salesforce Marketing Cloud for streamlined campaign management, utilizing its integrated tools to plan, execute, and track campaigns efficiently across different platforms.

Inaccurate Measurement and Analysis 

Challenges in accurately measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and understanding customer engagement.

How to solve it: Leverage Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s advanced analytics and reporting tools to gain precise insights into campaign performance and customer interactions.

Absence of Valuable Customer Insights

Description of the challenge: meaningful insights into customer preferences and behaviors.

How to solve it: Utilize Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s data integration and analysis features to gather comprehensive customer data and derive actionable insights.

Poor Customer Experiences

Providing inconsistent or irrelevant customer experiences across various marketing channels.

How to solve it: Use marketing with Salesforce to create unified and personalized customer journeys, ensuring consistent and engaging experiences across all touchpoints.

Ineffective Communication

Struggling with disjointed and uncoordinated communication efforts that fail to resonate with the target audience.

How to solve it: Employ Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s integrated communication tools to ensure cohesive and targeted messaging across all marketing channels.

You may also be interested in reading about other Salesforce implementation challenges and practices to solve them. 

What Is The Difference Between Salesforce Sales Cloud And Marketing Cloud?

Salesforce offers two different platforms with distinct offerings. In general, Sales Cloud is used to manage sales processes and customer relationships, while Marketing Cloud is used to develop and carry out marketing campaigns that engage and nurture leads and customers. A detailed comparison of Sales Cloud vs Marketing Cloud by several factors is provided in the table below:


Factor Salesforce Sales Cloud Salesforce Marketing Cloud
Primary Focus Managing sales processes and customer relationships Developing and executing marketing campaigns
Functionality CRM system focused on sales activities and tracking Digital marketing platform for multi-channel campaign management
Key Features Lead and opportunity management, sales forecasting, mobile accessibility, email integration, and sales performance management Email marketing, customer journey management, social media marketing, mobile messaging, data analysis, and targeted advertising
Objective Streamline sales processes, improve sales productivity, and gain insights into the sales pipeline Create personalized customer experiences, automate marketing processes, and leverage data for effective campaigns
Target Audience Sales teams and professionals looking to manage and optimize their sales activities Marketers and marketing teams aiming to engage customers and manage marketing operations across various channels
Analytics and Reporting Comprehensive sales analytics, pipeline and forecast reporting, and customizable dashboards Marketing campaign analytics, customer journey insights, and performance metrics for various marketing channels
ROI Measurement Focused on tracking sales performance, deal closure rates, and sales revenue Emphasizes measuring campaign effectiveness, customer engagement, and marketing spend ROI

How Can Synebo Help Set Up Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

Here at Synebo — a Salesforce development studio, we help businesses leverage the capabilities of the Salesforce environment. Our offerings include:

  • Salesforce consulting
  • Development and integration
  • Software delivery process development

We work with all Salesforce Cloud integrations, help with AppExchange app listing, offer AI-driven development, and more. We provide end-to-end Salesforce Marketing Cloud development and integrations, as per the following approach, that can be customized to your case:

  1. Create a Salesforce Marketing Cloud account.
  2. Configure basic account settings.
  3. Set up user roles and permissions.
  4. Integrate with Salesforce CRM
  5. Configure Studio settings
  6. Configure journey builder
  7. Create data extensions for customer data.
  8. Set up Journey Builder.
  9. Implement tracking and analytics.

With more than 8 years on the market, over 1000 projects completed, and 255+ Salesforce certifications in the team, Synebo Salesforce Marketing Cloud developer is ready, willing, and able to contribute to your best project. Should you experience any difficulty with setting up Salesforce Marketing Cloud features — don’t hesitate to contact Synebo experts. Let’s discuss opportunities for your business!

Final Take

In essence, whether you’re looking to enhance email campaigns, streamline social media interactions, or leverage AI-driven insights, Salesforce Marketing Cloud is the comprehensive solution that can elevate your marketing to new heights.

Implementation of Salesforce Marketing Cloud requires specialized knowledge and expertise, In case you need a trusted provider of outsourcing services to guide you through and execute the integration strategy, reach out to Synebo

Is Salesforce Marketing Cloud a CMS?
Salesforce Marketing Cloud is not a CMS (Content Management System); it's a digital marketing platform focused on customer engagement and campaign management across multiple channels.
What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud used for?
It's used for creating and managing marketing campaigns, personalizing customer interactions, and analyzing customer data across email, social media, and other digital channels.
How can Salesforce Marketing Cloud help my business?
Salesforce Marketing Cloud can enhance customer engagement, personalize marketing efforts, automate campaigns, and provide data-driven insights to improve marketing ROI.
How much is a Salesforce Marketing Cloud integration?
Pricing varies based on features and scale; Salesforce offers customized pricing plans tailored to specific business needs and sizes.
Table of content
Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Complete 2024 Guide What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud? Salesforce Marketing Cloud Features: What Can You Do? 9 Benefits Of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Key Business Challenges That Salesforce Marketing Cloud Can Solve What Is The Difference Between Salesforce Sales Cloud And Marketing Cloud? How Can Synebo Help Set Up Salesforce Marketing Cloud? Final Take
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